About Me

My photo
Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia
Hi! I am Razor and I'm 15 years old.Loves red, loves trendy shirts, loves cool stuff,loves breakdancing,loves badminton, loves chinese chess, loves corinthian helmet,loves stalking ( I'm good at it),loves debate,loves taking risk and loves sleeping... - hypomaniac - glutton - computer games addict Above was my description three years ago:-) now I'm 18,legal for sex,loves basketball to death, having the time of my life:-) The pic? That was five years ago!:-) it's been a while since I updated,I bet little people are going to come here, but now I'm back!that's what matters :-) enjoy reading my darkest secrets:-)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yo! Back From One Hellva Heaven!!

Yo people I'm back from Chung Ling...Of course...
It was great and I learnt many things...

Although we lost at every competition...
But it's the experience that we're going for....

Chung Ling was located at Butterworth so we'll have to go there by bus actually...
When we arrived, the area was big but the facility was not as many as our school...
Poor people, they only got 2 basketball courts and a field (but bigger than our school's)...
While we have:

1. 2 basketball courts with one roofed...

2. 1 tennis court

3. 2 volleyball courts

4. 3 fields, one for 100m run, one for 200 run and one for throwing javelins or disc...

5. 4 mini fields that are for decoration or activities...

See? But our school is some sorta more...umm...following the graffiti and street trend as we have (I think) at least 2000 kinds of table that comes with your timetable,the latest slut list, lyrics, confessions from other people to other people,"I love you" words,holes, wrapped paper, singers, actors and actresses, I-hate-exam confessions and of course, graffiti while Chung Ling has 30...

Ok back over here...
I lost the basketball game...
Cause we lack of teamwork and of course, training...
They announce through the big speaker they have that we can train between 8 to 4...
Yet we are stopped and called back to our hostels(classroom) when we are on our way to the courts...
Their reason : " Cause it is not fair for other teams if they don't train, and cause we lack of courts..."
Then whyda hell they announce that in the first place!!!?!
Their committee suckz...
As if our face is made of bullet-proof leather or somethin'!!
Shyt, change the topic...

Ok,there was this arguing going on about whether should our school's scouts (Jit Sin Scouts) are to rematch with us again (Jit Sin Girls' Police Cadet)...
My cadet's committee told me it doesn't matter if the scouts did compete with us or not...
The Penang's Bin Hua girls' high's girl guides won the game...
I was happy I lost cause they were really Goo~d...
The scouts' commitee kept debatin' with the Chung Ling's commitee...
The scouts said the judge told them winners are the ones who got the most balls in da hoop...
The CL committee said the match is based on disqualification...

So here is how it went:
1st round: Scouts VS Guides...Guides won
2nd round: Guides VS cadets...Guides won
Scouts say: Where's the third round?(Scouts VS Cadets)

The scouts wanted us to compete with them so that we can purposely lose to them and let them get points and let birds of the same flock but not colour win.....

So at 8.30 night (First day), We all got into a room...
And...The debate starts!!
Four representives...The Cadets, The Scouts, The Guides and the CL commitee...
Did I forget to mention one more? The Bin Hua busy boys...
Well, we'll just call them BB...Cool eh?

The scouts...Full of sound and fury...
The guides...Only have the shield and reinforcement BB army...
The BBs...Are here to help the guides because they are from the same school (Or their schools have the same name?)...They have nothing to do with this...
The Cadets...We don't talk much (Because we profit from either results)...
The CL CMT...Headed by the president, debates with the Scouts...

When the debate is half way there, my commitee leaves and asked me to sit down and listen to the debate...
Well, I think I said something wrong like: We cadets don't have the time to rematch...(Seems like bombing the scouts which is not funny)
The Scouts then surrenders (maybe due to my stupidility) and one of them cries...
I asked her:" Why not go on and fight for yourself?", still not knowing that I had said somethin' wrong...
All she said was: It's no use...

Then I informed my committee and the other scout's committee and I dunno what happens next...

Now, about our room...
We were to sleep in a very clean classroom (Thank God!)
It was great and we brought many bottles of water...
Like nearly a hundred with us...
And our luggages...

The room was seperated in half...
There were two rows of tables in the middle of the classroom...
There was enough sunlight and fresh air...

Furthermore, it's high enough, fourth floor...
When it's nighty nite time, it gets chilly chilling cold!!!
I had to wear two shirts at once to prevent myself being shocked after finding out I'm frozen the next morning...

The melempuh halangan aka Iron Man Challenge...
We lost too...
There were like 30 stations and some of them requires some scout and guides knowledge which cadets don't learn...
There's one stage which they called us to climb the street lamp pole to the second floor...
"Good planning!!" They never thought that people would fall down and die...

We didn't try that (We're too cute to die anyways)
There was a station like an archery test...
We need to shoot the arrow right in the stated circles...

There's one about climbing walls...
I was afraid of heights and felt like crying when I was ordered to get down...
But climbing the trees wasn't so bad after all (Althought it's higher)

In the end, we left 8 challenges when the time ends...
The winner is Jit Sin Scouts (Boys' team) with all challenges won...
The second is I dunno...
The third is Jit Sin Scouts (Girls' team) with one challenge left...

All these lets me know that although we cadets are strong, but we still need to work hard...

About the item thingy...
We did good actually...
But the whole thing was like...
Not enough crew to be seen by the big crowd...

We cadets didn't earn any major cup...
Because we're weak compared to them...
People from around the country...

Well, I kinda miss the food( It's was cheap)
I miss the classroom, it was cozy and mosquitie-free...
I don't miss the basketball court( Where's the hoop?)
I don't miss the CL commitee (They suck)
I miss the campfire ( It was GREAT!!)

Hope we have something like this in the future...
Thank god we ever did have one...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

*~Chung Ling Campfire~*

Hahas...I'm off to Chung Ling this Friday!!
Until Sunday...
But I'll have to stay back and attend a meeting until 12...
After that, I guess I will go to basketball practice...

Firstly, the Chung Ling campfire was a national invitation...
Only the scouts and girl guides are welcomed...
But since some of us have social ways to get through this...
Our school's KRS and KPW (My uniform body) are joinin' the party too!!
I'm so happy!! I mean we get to play lots of stuff....
Meet lots of people from all over the country!!
And most of all...Get some experience!!

I was chosen to join "melempuh halangan"( Some sorta tough physical thingy), fashion show and...


Could you believe it?

God...I'm not sure we're gonna win this...
Because dears, THIS IS NATIONAL!!
As for the melempuh halangan thingy, I have less doubts than the basketball com...
I mean, we don't have this 3-3 com in the bag because ...

1. Well, we do not practise for Buddha's sake!!
2. I have a major problem communicating with that...short-tempered and short-heighted girl who scolds people for helping her and somewhat lost during activity...
3. Only I know how to bank shot...(God save me)
4. None of us is over 160cm but there's someone over 170cm tall but not on the team (Boiling)...
5. (I hate this one the most) I can't do anything because if I suggest another person, the first one going to be kicked out is me (They don't wanna me to tire out due to the melempuh halangan com being arranged before the b-ball com)
6.That short-heighted girl loves to break the rules, and I can't tell her the rules (Because she's a lost mermaid from the Atlantic empire)
7. I haven't told Zhi Ling all the game plans...
8. I'm not sure whether we're competiting with boys...
9. May God bless us!!

I hate to lose...
Everyone hates to lose...
This is a good chance because...
Uniform body members are not that professional at basketball...
Imagine losing to people who don't even know how to dribble a ball...
That would be a disgrace to my coach and my school and my KPW...

Well, I'll stop here...
I'll continue after I get back from Chung Ling...


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

~*Enjoy Day 2008*~

Enjoy Day 回来咯!!

“Ivy!!醒来了!!” 有人叫着我...
8.02了!Oh Migawd....

“Ivy ar.....”....听习惯了....
“为社么迟到?” Xin Yi 文官和带队的印度老师问......


到了Youth Park(青年公园).....................
但来这边是跑Station Game酱的...


由于是过来人,就把手伸给Ee Teng文官...

可惜Chooi Wen文官有带拍,没带羽球...哈哈哈...

Next,就去吃,去吃Laksa,Nasi Lemak,Ice-Cream等之类的...

我们就在这时遇上Form 4...(她们也饿了....)

我们这群大小孩就跑去玩Outdoor的Exercise Equipment...
最可爱的是,有人也会玩到割到留血...(Jie Ling还活着)

最后就去玩Monkey Bar...

上巴士之前,我Yam Yam地看着凯韵副主席...
“我...我...想叫你一声:Siew Khai Yin”

哈哈,没位了,只好坐进Air-Con Room...
过后Form 3进来了,他们饱了,就在那边玩真心话大冒险...
看到那个Botak head 的Uncle就有点怕...(其实两个都是啦,那个比较年轻的)
我和Jie Ling就去打包Lo Bak...

Selepas itu,我们就要回Copthorne Hotel了...(Lao Beh Hotel来的,哈哈,不要酱稀奇地看着我啦!都公开的...)
哈哈,过后就坐巴士到Paradise Hotel,
爱护我们的地球... (哈哈哈,要绝种也是企鹅津津(雪莉)先绝种《 《 自私的想法)

过后,我们大家就去玩Banana Boat...
Form 2只有我要玩翻的...



哈哈哈,我的Monkey Brother(Form 3)也有有玩,他跟爱微学警玩...


过了不久,我有机会跟Form 1 说话了....
因为Ong Yan Pin(Form 1)的眼镜被冲进海!!哈哈哈哈哈...
Joyce(Form 1)我一直游到深的地方去找...

那边有一只Spanish Cocktail,English Cocktail,两只Brown的杂狗,和一只不知道St.Burnett社么的...(蛮大只的,大到可以骑,你超过30公斤就不用讲)...


晚上.... 回到了Hotel
拿了BBQ用的东西,就走回Paradise Hotel的沙滩...
哈哈,Lyn-Hui文官竟然走错路,还好Ee Teng文官记得路...






向大海跳Tu Tu车...
哈哈哈哈,好兴奋,过后就围在一起听歌,玩Bear,和Musical Chair...


还有一场,Goh Jia Min(Form 1)中...
结果Form 1 说她很自恋...
所以叫她去跟围在一旁的Form 4 讲说她很美...
Form 3的E Wen这时出了很可爱的Idea:
她叫Goh Jia Min说:“我酱美怎么办?”

途中,我就跟Chooi Wen文官说话...
不知道为社么我没有Pek Chek...
应该是太注意跟前面的Form 2讲话了吧....

所以就跑去准准对面的1114号房跟Form 4和我的brother玩....
Zoe和Jie Ling没跟来,她们太累了....
Jie Ling和Form 1她们洗了碗,应该是很累了吧...
哈哈,喝了Sue Li泡给我的Milo,就去睡了...


Killer,Uno Stacko,Uno,叫名字的,和Chor Dai Di....


“凯韵和Ee Teng咯...”
还好Lyn-Hui文官和Chooi Wen文官没有进来咯....

过后我和乌龟和几个Form 4就去餐厅......

可爱的是Jing Yin学警的Ticket不能用...
Noob Hotel 就是Noob Hotel....
过后很闷,就想说去Form 4的桌子玩一下...

Form 3在泳池游泳...
本来我们Form 2想穿便服下去游的...
看到Form 3 给我们做示范就打消念头了...

Ee Teng文官懒洋洋地躺在床上看电视...
其中一首歌是酱的:(Mambo Number 5 by Lou Bega)

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Mambo number five.

One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the car so come on let's ride.....
To the liquor store around the corner.
The boys say they want some gin and juice but I really don't wanna.
Beerbust like I had last week.
I must stay deep 'cause talk is cheap.
I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita.
And as I continue, you know they're getting sweeter.
So what can I do? I really beg you my Lord.
To me flirting is just like a sport.
Anything fly, it's all good let me dump it.
Please set it in the trumpet.

A little bit of Monica in my life,
A little bit of Erica by my side.
A little bit of Rita's all I need,
A little bit of Tina's what I see.
A little bit of Sandra in the sun,
A little bit of Mary all night long.
A little bit of Jessica here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!!!!!!!!
Mambo number five.

Jump up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the sound, put your hands on the ground.
Take one step left and one step right.
One to the front and one to the side.
Clap your hands once and clap your hands twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

A little bit of Monica in my life,
A little bit of Erica by my side.
A little bit of Rita's all I need,
A little bit of Tina's what I see.
A little bit of Sandra in the sun,
A little bit of Mary all night long.
A little bit of Jessica here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!!!!!!!!

Trumpet, the trumpet.
Mambo number five, ha, ha, ha.

A little bit of Monica in my life,
A little bit of Erica by my side.
A little bit of Rita's all I need,
A little bit of Tina's what I see.
A little bit of Sandra in the sun,
A little bit of Mary all night long.
A little bit of Jessica here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!!!!!!!!

I do all to fall in love with a girl like you.
Cause you can't run and you can't hide.
You and me gonna touch the sky.
Mambo number five.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Enjoy Day 2008.

...One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the bus so come on let's ride.....
To the Paradise around the corner.
The girls say they want some ice and juice but I really don't wanna.
Sarsi like I had last week.
I must stay cool 'cause talk is cheap.
I like Neoh Jia Hui, Pang Tze San, Chai Ching and Xin Yi.
And as I continue, you know they're getting sweeter.
So what can I do? I really beg you my Lord.
To me flirting is just like a game.
Anything fly, it's all good let me play them.
Please set it in the radio.

A little bit of Siew Khai Yin in my life,
A little bit of Tan Ee Teng by my side.
A little bit of Tze San's all I need,
A little bit of Chooi Wen's what I see.
A little bit of Xin Yi in the sun,
A little bit of Lyn-Hui all night long.
A little bit of Loh Tien Min here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your fish!!!!!!!!

Dance up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the music, put your hands on the beach.
Shake to the left and to the right.
Shake to the front and shake to the side.
Hold your hands once and swing your hands twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

A little bit of Siew Khai Yin in my life,
A little bit of Tan Ee Teng by my side.
A little bit of Tze San's all I need,
A little bit of Chooi Wen's what I see.
A little bit of Xin Yi in the sun,
A little bit of Lyn-Hui all night long.
A little bit of Loh Tien Min here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your fish!!!!!!!!

Flirting, the Best Game.
Mambo number five, ha, ha, ha.

A little bit of Siew Khai Yin in my life,
A little bit of Tan Ee Teng by my side.
A little bit of Tze San's all I need,
A little bit of Chooi Wen's what I see.
A little bit of Xin Yi in the sun,
A little bit of Lyn-Hui all night long.
A little bit of Loh Tien Min here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your fish!!!!!!!!

I do all to parachute with a girl like you.
Cause you can't run and you can't fly.
You and me gonna touch the sky.
Mambo number five.


过后就无聊一点,跟Form 1玩“在天台打招呼”...

Ee Teng文官不知道为社么一直在那边笑...


Xin Yi文官好像对这些很感兴趣...



哈哈哈!!这时就想到一集Powerpuff Girls的戏...
Powerpuff Girls的“爸爸”,那个博士(不要问我全名),爱上她们的幼稚园老师(也不要问我她的名)...


其中一张是Form 2 的...
虽然这间Hotel Noob,但我很开心,因为在这边叫了才晶学警5次...

下一站:Pulau Jerejak...
哈哈,上次(今年)来跑Penang Bridge,他的起点就在这儿...
这时,我们Form2 跟一些Form 4 玩Uno...
这盘Uno 是有史以来我玩最久的...
另一座Form 3 和Form 4 不知道玩社么...玩到很刺激...
过后船来了,我们Form 2就一边唱歌一边等船上的人出来...
Ee Teng文官做我们的指挥....

那个Yam Yam 的 Lyn-Hui文官假假说要拍照...
很明显,这张照片不普通,只有我一个人是Form 2 罢了,全部Form 4 的.... (全部Form 2都不要来船头...妈咪生病了)
Yam Yam Yam...

到了Pulau Jerejak,我们就去玩吊桥...

有Obstacles Course...

我跟Lui,San,凯韵副主席和Ee Teng文官...
那个Chooi Wen文官Yam到半死...
有陪嘛陪咯...没有嘛没有咯... XD


本来要玩Abseiling和Flying Fox的...
我和Brother和Lyn-Hui文官和凯韵副主席和Chooi Wen文官和Ee Teng文官玩Snooker...
我和Chooi Wen文官就在那边玩武侠...


我本来要拍才晶学警去沙滩玩的...(唯一动到Pulau Jerejak的沙的人)

Wan Xin文官就在跟一位Auntie学Congkak...
想都知道,Form 4一定是在那边拼命介绍团体的啦....
Wan Xin文官,凯韵副主席,才晶学警,Chooi Wen文官和欣伦文官在那边玩Congkak...




Form 4 她们就说她们auntie很美...
结果被凯韵副主席讲... XD

我坐跟Xin Yi文官...

闭了整一个小时...(谢谢Jie Ling先让我)
过后出来后,我想要买他的Pulau Jerejak的衣..
Walau Eh....酱贵,吃自己好过...

去打Lyn-Hui文官和Chooi Wen文官...
打了她们也说谢谢... (为社么要谢谢?哈哈哈,自己猜啦!)
结果她们俩要我请吃 =='''....

我们的由Jie Ling带路...


我叫了Dinner Plate...3只鸡...

否则我要闷死了... (我要土葬)

Queensbay 还有Clinic...
终于到了...我们本来想玩Roller Skate的...

刚好遇到Form 4...

最Pek Chek的是他的球被卡着...
哈哈哈...最高兴是打破High Score...
想当年,陈肯诺打破四台机器的High Score...(Pro-Ka)


最后我就去玩House Of Dead...
结果输了...还好Pei Ni主席经过...
就去玩House Of Dead 4...
Walau eh...超刺激超好玩的!!

过后我就去玩Tekken 5...



过后Tien Min文官和Min Yee学警来了...
说到Bra Cup...
Tien Min文官:“A Cup 啦...你一定是没有Cup的啦!”
Brother:“你是A Cup的话,Lyn-Hui文官也一定是A Cup...”
结果自认是Form2 的带队印度老师也参进来说话...

最后Chooi Wen文官就跑来了....
结果Tien Min文官又拿去戴....



过后Chooi Wen 文官就说我brother有钱...
Chooi Wen文官:“我姐姐卖鞋的...你这件衣嘛不是Polo的...”
Brother:“你又怎样知道的?”Chooi Wen文官:“我姐姐以前卖衣的”
Chooi Wen文官却社么也不知道...
这时Chooi Wen文官就掐我....

我拿回来...Lyn-Hui文官和Chooi Wen文官就拿回去给她...

Seterusnya,我就跟Form 2玩和说话...(不知道做社么,我很开心+忙就对了)
这时Chooi Wen文官就拿她的钱包出来Tend...
这时,我就想到可爱的Lyn-Hui文官(在Pulau Jerejak),说两个照片(自己和军官的)都交叉放...(好像看到对方躺在一起)...
不过我不想酱放(因为我的钱包好像是给Public Display的)
过后我不是很睬Chooi Wen文官...

她们就有Lucky Draw...
一个看起来像两只香烟的Torch Light...

那个Yam 的一对:Lyn-Hui文官和Chooi Wen文官
副主席欢呼最大声的....《 《 《 有人吃醋了....

哈哈哈,N 最后没有跟Tze San抱到...哈哈哈哈...
她反而抱Min Yee学警....
过后她就抱主席和Tien Min文官抱到很大力...哈哈哈哈哈...

过后,我们就要Goh Jia Min做她的自恋的样子多一次...

我们的Enjoy Day 2008就在此结束....T.T



这次Enjoy Day虽然短...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Campers!!

Woohoo!! Came back from camping!!

Boy did I say this camping rocks!!

I learnt so many things, went through so many obstacles, and became physically stronger...

It's worth it to recall every bit of the memories....XD

Although there are many inconsolable and gay moments...

I wish to share it here with every one of you...

Log of December 1st 3.45 morning

My alarm never rang. Luckily my good sister woked me twice despite her sleepiness. She helps me everytime when there's camping. Don't ask me, I don't know why but she likes to help me packing ( I hate packing ). Maybe that's the reason why God sent her, to overcome my anti-packingness. Hahahas...Anyway, I gussied up and arrived at school at 4.22. My father took the advantage of the empty street and sped all the way from my house to the school. My whole family was on the car ( Yeah I know you're somewhat curious and shocked), they are night-humans. My friends and I agreed to arrive at 4.30 ( One hour exactly away from meeting time). I was the first to arrive there and guess what, the school gate's not even open yet! Haha, the Zoo Keeper (Jie Ling) was the second. It seemed that my car zoomed by hers on the way. Soon, some of the guys arrived and even some form 1s. Teddy Panda (Tze San) asked us why not wake up the sleeping guard and ask him to open the gate. We did and finally we got in. We carried all our things to the storeroom and were soon asked to carry them again to the fifth gate.

* * * * * * *

We got all our things on the truck and bus and went to our camp destination - The All Peaceful Tokun Mountain!! Our school rent some cute shalets with air-cons for us and we used it as our storeroom. We built our dome tents, stuffed in all our luggages and started our activities. The first activity was some sorta like physical training (even if it's a station game, no one could knew by the looks of it). After that, it was noon, we cooked and taught the form 1 juniors how to start a fire and soon were quickly munching all the food.Some were ordered to bath too.You thought we were going to get into a toilet and bath? No, we were to wear our clothes and shower ourselves and change into dry clothes(There was no door in the bathroom). Next, it's Pandu Arah's time! What's a Pandu Arah? Pandu Arah is a game that involves finding your next clue using a c0mpass. Our group is the last to finish this game but I had a great time. As expected, we showered and armed ourselves with the cooking utensils for the cooking competition. Guess what, my all good younger sister and my godmother brought me my tracksuit and Inventor shirt but it's all too late ( which I got reprimanded for not bringing). Anyway, I'm glad they came.

* * * * * * * *

Our food is finished and it seemed that we were the worst. Anyway, I had a great time eating all those stuff and other team members keep stuffing me with their unfinished food. At that very moment, I felt very harmonious. I ate 3 chicken chops, 5 prawns, half a bowl of spaghetti, cherry tomatoes and orange pudding (Oh Migawd!!). Unfortunately, we only have 20 minutes to finish all these food T.T. It was like buffet, you get to eat all kinds of food for free baby!! FREE!!! AND THEY WERE GODDAMN GOOD!!! HOLY!! I DON'T MIND CARRYING THEM IN MY STOMACH ALL THE WAY DOWN THE HILL!!

* * * * * * * *

Nighty night time!! But not sleep time!! Night game on!! I don't really remember what we did but I know it sucked because we lost at everything, it's not that we had no fun, it's just that some of us were not doing their thing. Our team's morale was just....Horrid!! Even that cursed leader sounded sleepy when she talks!! Man!! Anyway, it's the most scarry time of the day - Midnight. Why? Because we were to sit around and telling people and ourselves that we're bad. The committee scold people at this time of the day. As expected, we got scolded for our low esteem. We promised our "penasihat" (One of the committee that is responsible for our group) that we're not going to be this "loser" tomorrow.

* * * * * * *

Log of December 2nd 12.00 before dawn

Before dawn, we were to guard our campsite according to turns. Cynthia (my junior) and I were the first pair. To everyone's surprise, we are not meant to work together cause we were known to sleepwalk. Haha, but I was not tired at all. I had a great time just patrolling around the campsire like robots because now is for REAL!! There are monkeys and snakes and huge bugs and all that. When it's time for me to sleep, I can't sleep. Anyway, I had a bad dream and I nudged my whole body ( I didn't know how). Cynthia, who was the secretary of my group was somewhat shocked to see my nudging myself while writing her report, but I woke up and told her it was just a bad dream and continued my castles. The atmosphere was very cooling and when I woke up, I was shivering. It was 5.45 morning and I'm already wishing the committee would ask us to jog ( because it was damn chilling cold). We cleaned ourselves and jogged around the carpark. I was wearing jacket while jogging and guess what, I sweated only a little. When the sunshine meets us, we went through the morning inspection and because of the damp soil, our pegs are not strong enough and got pulled out. We were asked a few questions about the police. All these resulted punishment - starjumps. Our group got 95 but were asked to do 50 first. Next, it's marching time. The form 1 were very good and their marches are very even. We did great and were complimented after the marching competition.

* * * * * *

Lunchtime!! We cooked something simple to eat.Guess what, THE FORM 5s CAME!!! OMG!! I've been missing them so much that I almost died( Good joke huh? ). Anyways, I don't dare to stare the one I miss the most in her eyes.( I always act ignorant when I sees someone that sweetens my heart).So I just act busy all the time. After lunch, we were to play station games (planned by form 3). My "brother" was the chairperson of the station game. We played many interesting games and it was fun!! Some of our team mates got wet and were shivering again. In the end, we were to figure out who the heaven is the two angels. Angels help us in the game while the other non-angels make us fail in the process. Our group won the only two thing ( Guessing the two non-winged angels and having collected the most newspaper which is not the main objective of the game)while B group won the rest. Overall, B group won. Twillight, we were going to playing survival game after din. The groups were rearranged ( Thank god I'm not in the same group with that loser). We are supposed to play each station with increasing members. So at first, there are only two in each team and the rest are supposed to wait in a pavilion. I was included in the waiting group. During that moment, we played hunter and bear. The moment was great and I had a good time debating myself out of being a bear. Hahas, but when I was a hunter, my senior accused me being a bear. That time, my group needed one more people so I'll just have to leave. The other people were shocked to hear that I'm a hunter. Hahas!

* * * * * * *

The first game, the other members have to carry me ( As I was the lightest of the three) to the other side of the road. Then I were to gulp a mouthful of water and carried back to the starting point and say whatever they ordered me to. I almost spitted on the committee. But the second round, I gulped only a little and managed to pronouce the cute "cool" word into something like: "koo oo ooo oool " Haha! It was cute. Next, we were to build a gadget with sticks strong enough to hold two books. We built a pyramid and it failed because the pyramid just can't itself. Next, we were to find police questions stick all around the area and we had a great time answering all them. Haha,then it's time for some bean-sucking.We were to contruct a long pipe of straw using the short straws to suck 2 green bean and 2 red beans.In the end, we only managed to suck 5 green peas , because the red beans are too big to fit the straw!! Haha...They let us pass though. I've forgot to mention, if we pass the station, we can get some game cash, and these cash can buy our way outta punishment or rewards. Last, we were to put two eggs in a bottle. This is some shadow show.Hahas, I almost fell asleep at this time because I kept waiting for them to put the eggs in.

* * * * * * * *

It's nearly midnight and again, the dawn of the self-critisizing meeting. As usual, everyone critisized themselves and then there was nothing left to say ( We got scolded for that). Well, then I cannot stand the noobie ketua's sleepiness and told her off. I cried. I was too furious because she's a bad leader. I don't understand why our group is so useless even though we have tons of talented people on our team. She's just horrible!! We lost at everything!! Anyway, some form 1s cried too (Some were fakers). Anyway, I was somewhat relieved after broken down. We (form 2s) were asked to stay back in the pavilion. There were only 4 of us, hahas, fantastic four ( One total loser). She still keeps her sleepy mood and I can't stand it. Every one of our form members except Jie Ling and I, cried because her irresponsibility and laziness before this. Now it's only Jie Ling. I won't forgive her unless she change her stupid and forever-sleeping ways, which I'm not sure she will ever do...

* * * * * * *

Log of December 3rd (Last day of Camp) around 2 in the morning

The cooling and quiet ambience signifies it's early morning. I did not let my guard down because I saw one monkey walking around a few hours ago (During the survival game). Anyway, my turn's at 4 to 6. I slept late that night because of all those crying and all those drama. And again, it wasn't very cold because I kept walking around in the campsite. Today's patrol was not as fun as I thought. I don't know why but I loved yesterday's patrol.Walking around like a guard, and kept dreaming about cute love stories and all sorts of weird stuffs.Anyway, it was soon dawn and we jogged around the carpark and were soon ordered to march at the carpark. After that, it was time for Explore Race. We'll have to enjoy it because it's the last game of this camp. Sadly, our group's last...again.Well I could spare no more tears for this.Soon, it was sunshine was on top and we started breaking our tents. My noobie ketua still acts dunno-like/ idle while me and her penolong (helper) was being busy clearing out the newspaper, cardboards and banana leaves in the tent. At last, she finally follows us and that is not what it should be. Anyways, all of us carried the rubbish and walked quite a long distance to dispose it. When I was coming back to the carpark to help, I saw.......The form 5s unloading their backpacks and they were here!! Holy Jesus Christ, I feel so...shy + happy to see them!! This is what I did : Zoom past them so I don't have to see their faces. In the rubbish-disposing process, I lost my nametag (Holy, gotta get the fifth this year!!)

* * * * *

After all the hardwork, we soon settle at the carpark (Where all the flies and rubbish are). According to the form 5s, they wanted to come with us but umm...When they realised, we had left.Hahas, anyway, we carried all our luggages (and my unfinishied water) on the bus and left the now not-so-same Tokun. When we arrived SMK, Loh Chia Sin and I disembarked and I taught her how to go to Sentosa. That's where my camping journey ends....

Whenever I look up to the Tokun Hills...

It's not same anymore...

It bears wonderful memories...

It looks more beautiful than ever...

And it reminds me of my lost nametag...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

November...The Month of Evolution...

Holy macaroni!!!
This holiday kinda sucks and rocks!!!
My dad keeps telling me off...
How's your maths? How's your basketball? How's your studies?
Everyday...The Same!!! GOD GOD GOD!!!
I studied very very hard man!!! As if PMR is tomorrow!!!
Yeah...Well...IT IS in the future but man not the next day.....
Now when I see linear equations...My head gets dizzy....
Too much broth spoils the soup...

As for the basketball thingy....
I am still a rookie...
I don't even know how to play 5-5 and the com's next week...
Luckily the coach didn't want me in...
Or else the team's gonna watch me chase my ball across the court...
With the referee blowing his whistle hard...PI!!!!
Imagine....(Roll eyes)

At least what cheers me up is that I get to know more about the teammates...
There was one cool girl who I mentioned earlier...
Her name is Ester Lim....
She's 17 and knows how to drive a two-wheel and a four-wheel...
That's what she did on last Saturday...
Bringin us all in her ride...
Eat Hokkien Mee....
We were engaging in an interesting chatter in a little hut but were soon left after the hawker told us that he wants to leave already....
But what I'm afraid is she might think that I purposely ordered the same food and drink...
Food - What can I say? There's only Hokkien Mee there...
Drink - Hey! I really want to drink kickapoo!! T.T
Oh and she's from SMJD...

And there's Kang Hoai Yong...
14 years old but she looks tall...
Another SMJD pupil...
She's cute and her hair looks like as if she dyed it red while Esther had it line-brown(for real)....
Most astonishingly, she resembled my brother ( personality) and my friend 07555 (face)...
A very friendly person she is, she is my first friend on the team...

C cube...Chin Chun Chen (sorry if spelled wrong)...
That's the girl I said I can't take my mind off her...
I get to know her after I get to know Esther...
She looks like my senior...On second thought, she's kinda hot....(No, I do not mean that my senior is hot)
She's 16 and she's from Jit Sin Independent...
Haha...She asked me to go to Jit Sin Independent to study, since I am rich?? ( Didn't know where she got that from)
I said "Hahas...My family does robberies...Just joking"
Then she thought that I was teasing and replied instantly: " What? Jit Sin Indepedent = Robberies!?"
Oops...Looks like my self-offending joke has offended someone too....
Anyway, I can't check her out anymore or else someone's gonna beat me up (Only she knows who that is)

Khow Wei Ting...A 16 year old from SMJD too...
Haha...She's is cute...The first person I would vote for the cutest...
She had a good sense of humour...
I laughed at her jokes everytime she says it...
I mean she's so interesting...
I bet we're good friend in times to come...

Xue Jing (It's pronounced this way in Chinese)
She's kinda quiet but she's cool too...
16 years old...Jit Sin Independent...
I would always call her Chao Xue Jing... The writer of 红罗梦...
There was one eleven year old bet her on a score...
Saying that if she doesn't score, it means that she love the coach...
Hahas...Similiar to every comedic story...She didn't...
We had a good laugh....

Ng Hui Ming...15 year old....
She's also a SMJD student, going into science stream...
Haha...Surprisingly, she's Ng Hooi Chin, a former classmate of mine, 's sister...
She has small eyes and currently works as a typer...
Haha...She usually has funny ideas...
She also has the same horoscope as mine...

Mei Chia...15 year old...
Another girl from SMJD...
Her sis, Mei Ling, is in my school's team...
She looks kinda beautiful and this is what happened:
One gloomy Sunday we were at the court and some lion dancing people came...
Pai Kias ( Bad boys)...
Haha...When we were allowed to have a rest...Two of the boys came...
One was a smoker...Another a stupid teenage boy who require some serious pickup lesson from me....
That stupid dark kid was trying to ask for Mei Jia's number...
We didn't feel all uneasy at first...Because we all thought she knew him...
In the end, she got reprimanded by the coach...
"They're all bad kids...Stay away from them!!"
In the inner heart, I was totally supporting the coach...
I don't want to see my friend get pregnant and being dumped by a not-cute-at-all loser...
But she looks kinda sad to know this...
The boy keeps tossing her questions:
" I want your number so that we can chat"
" Why can't we chat here?"
"Where do you live?"
"Bukit Mertajam"
"What's your number? It starts with 012? 016?" < < >"It starts with 012"
"Pin?" (The car's here)
And so, we escaped the few perverts who didn't even cared when Mei Jia said she got scolded...
Oh yes, they REALLY do love her, they don't care about the coach and she being scold, they just want her number....
Pei...Another tough girl...
14 years old...SMJK Berapit...
She's damn good at basketball...I mean it....
Not to mention another tough girl like Ester...
Her jokes are funny...Just like Wei Ting's...
She has a very funny habit about sleeping:
She purposely wake up early...
Cause she says she can't sleep at night if she's not tired enough...
Haha...She should get a tireness meter...

I think I'll stop here...Or else's it's gonna be long...

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Did she say cheese?

Log of 1st and 3rd of November

Oh no!!

A good explaination is required to elimate everyone's curiousity about my Saturday absence!!

God god god....

This is what it happened:

As a quite active member of the cadets...

Not seeing me attending activities means it's snowing in Sahara Desert...

Well, Sahara Desert actually snowed in the end....

Everyone kept asking me why I didn't go...

Why? They asked me...

They asked me why...

For a time in my life I left so pressured and .....tight man~!!!

I wish they could act as if I was invisible!!

It feels kinda good to know that many people actually did mind your existance...

But god, not this time....

I know I was to be questioned by assistant chairperson of the organization....

When I went to see her, I wasn't afraid ( I'm supposed to be)

I was like...Smiling all the time!!!

I don't know...I was some sorta attracted to her...

I was talking to her happily, smiling, joking and was not pressured at all...

And she was smiling too, she didn't scold me for being such a sleepbag(Which is not the reason)...

After talking to her, I feel so enlightened...So alive...So over-the-moon!!!

Seriously, I was some sorta fell in love with her at that very moment...

I could feel my heartbeat, my face was burning hot, and I feel damn happy for the rest of the day!!!

I mean...Nah, it can't be...She's a girl for heaven's sake...

She's my assistant chairperson for God's sake...

I've already got a girl for Hell's sake....?!?!

I dunno...I dunno....

I know I am a homo but please...

Not a second girl!!!

She's like so perfect (Except for her personality which I don't really admire)...

I can imagining myself smile like that everyday I talk to her...

Hell what was I talking about!?!?

It would cost her heart...

I could break it!!

And assistant chairperson may not take me as well!!!


Anyways, I gotta learn how to resist hot ladies and lock my heart (The last thing I would do before I die) to her, only her!!

Being a L is already difficult....

What more to earn another's heart??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Republic - Mercy

Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
Where did you read my story?
Pulled from the papers
Desperate and hardened
seeking a moment every fix

All I wanted to say
All I wanted to do
Is fall apart now
All I wanted to feel
I wanted to love
Its all my fault now
A Tradegy I fear

Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Angel mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
Whoa Whoa Whoa
I feel you
Whoa Whoa Whoa

Before just the daylight
Come and i stand by
Waiting to catch the quickest plane
Flying to nowhere
Is better than somewhere
That's where i've been and nothing's changed

All I wanted to say
All I wanted to do
Is fall apart now
All I wanted to feel
I wanted to love
Its all my fault now
A Tradegy for sure

Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Into the mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
I feel you

I'm so lost in you
A tragedy seemed to be over now
A tradegy it seemed to be

Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?
Angel of mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
I feel you
I feel you
Oh Whoa
I feel you
Oh Oh Oh

Friday, October 31, 2008

Near The Last Chapter Of My Form 2 Life

Exam's over....
I suffered all the consequences that I deserved....
What to do when you had all the bad marks sticker on your head while the consequences are waiting for you?
Okay, let's forget all about that and work hard next year....
No no no, that ain't gonna do it....
This holiday, yeah, this holiday...
Its not that I'm not sad that I've got results that doesn't suit me....
I just don't like reminding myself of the melacholic past....
Future suits me just fine...

Since there's not much to do after exam...
I kept bringing my Harry Potter: Goblet Of Fire everywhere...
It was useful for some time-speed-boosting magic trick...
Not until Feilix lend us his chinese chess!!!
Hell, I've been finding people to play with me...
Guess what, my skills deteriorated....
Luckily, my good buddy, Lawrence taught me some smooth moves....
At least I got to learn them and sharpen my mind...

Hey, but today, Yanhui introduced a damn good game for us...
Okay, the game's like this:

1. There are three people in this game, the killer (who kills of course...=='''), citizen ( who waits being killed or innocently arrested by polices), the police ( who are supposed to arrest the killers but sometimes they don't)
2. People draw cards to determine who they should be ( without letting others know)
3. The killers kill people by winking one of the players.
4.If one of the killer was targeted, he or she is supposed to wink back as a sign that they are both killers.
5.What happens if the killer winks to the police? The police will "place handcuffs" and that ends the killer's reign.
6.If the killer winks a citizen, the citizen is considered killed and will place his or her card back to the deck.
7. On the other hand, if a police captures a police or a citizen, he would be warned for his mistakes, the innocent citizen is considered arrested and again, places the card back the deck, and is out of the game, whereas the arrested police remains in the game with his or her identitiy known.
8. If the citizens are all dead before all the killers are exposed, the killers win and the polices loses.
9. If the polices manage to throw all the killers back to their cells before the citizens are all dead, the police wins.
10. You are not to expose your identity!

I'm beginning to feel like we 2A5 are like a big family....
It's like we're a group of friends destined to be together...
To have together...
To study together...
To enjoy together!!!
We're planning to go on a trip to Jusco!!!
We're going on 10th of November!!!(Monday)
OMG!! I wanna buy some new basketball shoes and HARRY POTTER NOVELS!!!
GOD!! I wanna walk the whole mall and forget all about my worries!!!
I wanna take pictures with my classmates wherever we go!!!
I LOVE 2A5!!!

2A5 ROX!!!

Oo...And One More Thing......


Friday, October 17, 2008

Okay, bad marks for me!

Okay, life's miserable....
But it doesn't have to be that way all the time...
I failed Maths and Malay...
That's a first-class ticket to the B classes...
But I'll have to accept the cruel reality...
What can I do?
There's only one hope of wiping out all the bad records - PMR

After the not-so-nice exam, I started training basketball vigorously...
I started too late...
People started when they're at primary school...
Another thing I wanna do is to grow tall...
Yes, tall, tall ,tall...
Its an advantage to be tall...
Coach sees height clearer than skills...
So I gotta pump myself up in both ways...
Enhance my physical shape and score that hoop!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


We had chinese essay exam today...
I didn't forget to bring my ink and brush...
But the most horrible thing is...
I didn't bring my pencilbox!!!
This is a major mistake!!
Luckily, my good friends didn't hesitate to help me out...
I got all I need except for a protractor...
I had a hard time counting the direction...

OK, so the geography exam starts after the chinese exam...
I did it quickly and spent my time drawing graffities...
I didn't check...
In the end, I got 6 wrongs, 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 out of 60, which makes 90%...
What breaks my heart the most is that these 6 questions are wrong because I'm careless...
Tomorrow's Maths...
Another subject good for making careless mistakes...
I better pump myself up so that I won't be this miserable again!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Basketball Teammates

Another Sunday, there's basketball practice at 2 in the afternoon....
Tell you, my form 3's weekend routine is rigid...
Yup! And I'm proud of it, cause I'm spending the 12 out of 48 hours to practice basketball...
Hey hey hey, this is for next year's...
I'm just going to the Saturday's morning and Sunday's afternoon... (6 hours)
I've never been to Saturday's practise since the SMJD(Sekolah Menengah Jalan Damai) students hadto go to school for two Saturdays...
Poor people....
As a result, I never get to know the girls who are playing basketball from that school....

The first time I attended Sunday basketball practice....
I saw this....girl....
She's much very similiar to my senior...
I didn't talk to her...I didn't have the guts to!
I only played with the primary school students...Who seemed to find out that I stand on soft legs....Naughty fellas!!
Then there's another secondary school girl....
She looks professional....
She was in black and she looks cool....
She acts as if she's cool in front of me, nevermind, I think she's just shy....
I still don't have the guts to talk to them.....

Next Sunday, I saw them again....
Wait, there's someone in green comes by a motorbike,the girl on the motor wear just as same as the similiar-to-my-senior girl....
Out of the blue, everyone turned their eyes to a car passing by....
Ooo....It's the Saturday coach...
He brought 3 girls....
After an hour, there were many people....
Actually, some of the girls are cute...
Very cute....
After the primary players went home, I get to play with them...
Still, I didn't ask any of their names or number....
What was I doing? Freaking out!??!
If I AM normal, I would probably be sms-ing with them right now....
Still, the similiar-with-my-senior girl can't get off my mind...
There's something about her....
Oh well, better lay back and start studying!!!!
Exam, exam, exam...
Once exam's around the corner, things get pretty tough....
Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I hung up
The phone last night
Something happened
For the first time
Deep inside
It was a rush
What a rush
Cause the possibility
That you would ever
Feel the same way
About me
It's just too much
Just too much
Why do I keep running
From the truth
All I ever think
About is you
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I just got to know

Do you ever think
When your all alone
All that we can be
Where this can go
Am I crazy
Or falling in love
Is it really
Just another crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
But I know this crush
Ain't goin' away

Has it ever cross
Your mind
When were hangin'
Spending time girl
Are we just friends
Is there more
Is there more
See it's a chance
We've gotta take
Cause I believe
That we can
Make this into
That will last
Last forever

Do you ever think
When your all alone
All that we can be
Where this can go
Am I crazy
Or falling in love
Is it really just
Another crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
But I know this crush
Ain't goin' away

Why do I keep running
From the truth
All I ever think
About is you
You got me hypnotized
So measurised
And I just got to know

Do you ever think
When your all alone
All that we can be
Where this can go
Am I crazy
Or falling in love
Is it really justAnother crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
But I know this crush
Ain't goin' away

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Basketball Fever!!!

Every since watching that slam dunk of Kobe Bryant during the Olympics....
Basketball couldn't be any not cooler than that....
I was so desperate to play basketball that I await for the next PJ lesson a.k.a. exercise lesson for every second of my life...
For our extreme study-conscious school...
There's only two lesson a fortnight....
I remembered last time I played with the boys...
Man, it was damn fun!!
They were so cool and they did a lot of cool moves...
I had a great time fighting over the ball and running around...
As a girl, to them, it's a thing worth applause when I scored a goal...
I laughed the whole game as it was very funny yet cool....
They were great!!
On the other hand, I never liked playing with the girls...
They were selfish and only had the balls for themselves...
It was spanking BORING playing with them...
We never get to fight over balls...
Well, you just queue up and WAIT for your turn to shoot the hoops...
The problem is........
Some girls (as mentioned as selfish) didn't queue up...
They put up their "pattern" when the bball hit them...
They start rubbing their eyes as if a meteor flew into their cornea....
They start looking desperarely in need of care...
They start making themselves look sympathic and helpless...
They start making their face looks "black" when they rarely get the chance to even touch the ball...
They helping people blame other people when things go wrong....
They do stupid things....
They don't talk to you just because your ball hit them a month ago...
They fight over balls and the ones who don't get the ball would quit invisibly...
Well, they ARE girls...I suppose this is what majority of girls do...
Luckily boys are the majority of our class...

In the meantime, I don't have to wait that bad for the lesson...
Because my dad bought me a basketball!!
He didn't think he would regretted...
I played basketball...
When I was at home...
In the office...
At anywhere that has a flat surface...
I would follow my godmother home just because there's two basketball courts there...
I would ask Zhi Ling (another bball addict) out to play basketball...
I would search for moves on the net everyday...
I would forget that I should be doing XXX when I was playing basketball...

See the enthusiasm of playing basketball and as a ex-coach himself...
My dad trained me to horse-stand ( the king-fu stance) so that I would not fall down in case anyone comes charging my way...
My legs were shaking and feeling painful...
But my dad added: " Pain is your friend"
So I had the idea to self-train after hearing this...
I did the 5 minute stance he requested and asked me to reach 30 minutes!!
It's gonna take a long time but it's be worth it...
As a medium-height person, my dad asked me to jump 500 times a day so I would grow taller...( Like Michael Jordan did)
I carried out his orders for my own good...
This is what I want...To prepare to play in the school team...
It's a guarantee I'll be in it because the girls think basketball is bad~~~
Even the teachers think so...
The teachers think it would ruin your studies...
The seniors think you would not have time to dedicate yourself to the uniform bodies...(As if I am going to be a cop when I get outta school)
The girls think it would be manly to play basketball...
Your friends think you would so addicted that you would not have time to go through everything difficult with them...(They think you're leavin' them behind)
Well I don't think so...

Haha!! Thanks to my dad!! I can play basketball anytime I want!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Had A Great Day Today!!!

We, three eight graders was invited to Teddy Panda's house today...
Her father wanted to pray the Taoist gods annually for the family's business...
So, we said we would meet up at my place at 10 for her elder sis to pick us up....
I woke up it was 8.30....
So I took my time taking my slow and smooth shower...
Then I proceeded to my unfinished motion story of iron man on my dad's laptop....
The movie was cool...
I didn't want to leave my house to take the bus....
I left at 9.30 to the bus stop, I was so nervous that I would miss the bus....
The bus-missing horror syndrome....
It makes me panic!!!
After 20 minutes...
Well, I got on the bus....
The bus driver asked me whether where I wanted to go...
I said SMK (There's where my place is)
And he says 80 cents cause I just put 50 cents in his coin tank...
So I inserted in 30 more...
I walked to the back of the bus holding my Harry Potter book...
One guy looked so eager to look what book I was holding that he turned his back to see my book...
As if my book was a box to store drugs....
I turned my book over so he couldn't see the title....
Is guessing what book I was reading one of the must-dos in Malaysia??
The immigrants are so annoying...
I never liked them...

I arrived shortly after the trip...
They weren't here yet and I turn on my computer to check out why the Olympians wear accessories while competing...
They arrived not long after and we chat for ten minutes and our ride was here....
After an hour, only I realised I didn't lock the lower two gates....XD

On the car, we laughed and talked about many funny things...
We felt ourselves at home...
That time we BPS already...Hahahaha....
Dare to talk loudly and lol...
As if our invisible good "bros and sis" is driving...
There was no reason to miss the joyful moments...

We reached our so called destination at half past ten...
Everything just seems so serene...
The sky was blue...The air was fresh....
Nothing much to worry about....
We were welcomed with open hands by her family...
Teddy Panda served us with cute jellies which included...
The Teddy Bear ( Old version of Teddy Panda before her fusion with panda)...
The cat....Yeah, They got it's faces too...
The turtle...I had a great time biting it's head off...

The fish...The goldfish, the common fish, the selfish....
The starfish....It reminds us of our project....
The flowers...They tasted great like they smell...

Then we went to Teddy Panda's dad's office...
It was quite near...estimated 150m away...
But we got on the car to get there...
They prayed to their gods and asked them to bless their food...
Haha...That sweats....These food are inedible to me...
Cause I'm a Christian....
So I had the responsibility to look after the UNO STACKO to avoid them being crushed by the kids....

Fortunately, they left some food for me...
So I had my lunch with Teddy Panda's sister...
She was also on the same boat with me...
On different occassion...
We all thought I could finish that whole thing they left for me...
I couldn't...
I was out of the game cause I couldn't find any sauce for my sausages and nuggets...
I prefer them chilled and coated with tomato sauce...

After that, we got our hands back on the games...
Its just so hard watching them eating sweets but not being able to chew on them...
We were tired with the old stacko thing and instead...
Made it domino style...
Eventually, boredom strucks again...
We walked back to her house...
Rain starts wrinkling from above...

We never had any problems getting ourselves soaking wet...
On the other hand, its a kind of relaxation...
We steered our way to the grocery shop after Teddy Panda's information presenting... There were many headless shuttlecock on the road...
Chong Wei rox!!!!
We then arrived at the shops...
Damn...The price was murderous!!!
I bought a bottle of 450ml Milk for RM 5...
From this day on, I couldn't imagine how much I hate Bodohwi for raising the oil prices...

I had a bitter time drinking that milk made of gold...
We reached Teddy Panda's house and she decided to take us for a stroll around the area...
But there were only three bikes for four of us?
Jie Ling relunctantly volunteered for the stay...
So we went off...
I had a hard time riding the bike...
I was seen standing all tour long and almost got myself swimming the drain...
Then, we cycled along the river...
Man, it was so cool...
As I breathe faster than normal, we went further up to the industrial areas...
And we turned back, not realising we were actually VERY VERY FAR away from the house...
No matter from where you look at us...
I'm the one perspiring profusely....
The homecoming was the moment I've been waiting for...
Now its Jie Ling's turn to ride on...
Three of us, who's gonna give up?
This time, I volunteered without saying a word...
Phew!! I never wanted to cycle standing again...
It was like physical training...
They could see that from the look of my pinkish cheeks and low-esteemed emotion...
I was tired out...
Its all because the seat was spoiled and I couldn't sit properly...

Then Jason, an intelligent 7 year old kid who turned out to be Teddy Panda's relative offered me to play basketball with him...
He wasn't good at it and soon he requested we kick it instead...
I don't believe in kicking basketballs but I got on with it...
Soon I tired out because I haven't got my strength all back from the exhausting "training"....
Moments later, the trainee was asked to join with the primary school childrens to play uno...
It was spanking fun playing with these kids....
Jason was clever, he cheated...
Moreover, he thought me how to cheat!!!
Hehehe...I never get my hands dirty while doing anything but for pleasure, I'll give it a try...
Jason was so cool, he cheated frequently and got me winning in no time...
Naughty little fella...;)
The best thing is...I got some new friends....
There were Eric, a girl, two boys...( I didn't ask their names)
Surely, after the powerpuff girls' comeback...
There were two gangs in the living room:
Me with the kids, and the Powerpuff Girls (Teddy Panda, Zhi Ling and Jie Ling)...
We Uno!! They stacko!!
Teddy Panda kept teasing me being uncool cause I was having fun with the kids...
I laid my milk bottle on my lap and it drips out....
I hate getting my shorts dirty....
So I went to the toilet for a little clean up...
Surprisingly, Teddy Panda's brother and a boy went out and bought us pepsi...
Thanks!! You guys are so nice!!
But when I turned the cap....
The pepsi was splashing out!!
It seems that they shaked the bottle when they were riding back....
Man, not another visit to the toilet!!
And there's one cute question arose from the girl...
"Wouldn't your mommy be scolding you for getting your shorts dirty?"
I looked as if I ignored her, I can't hear her...
Jason then repeated the question for me...
"Nah...She won't...Besides, I'm cleaning my own clothes..."
She didn't know even if I get myself killed, that woman won't even bother one bit...

My happy ending started when they were to leave...
Oh well, I joined the Powerpuff Girls to stacko and we became The Fantastic Four by building the impossible!!

At 4.30 we were bored once again and we took a stroll to the park beside the river...
Someone was raring goats beside the river...
We took pictures of the goats...As goats are quite rare for our city eyes...
This reminds me of Teacher Hannah who took pictures of me eating fish eyeball...( To her not-near-sea country, they only have their fish through rivers and lakes and ponds...
To her its well, umm, maybe, rare?
Haha, I supposed.
I sat on a low branch of a tree and Teddy Panda took a picture of me!!
Hehe!! It's gonna turn out well!!
We got our feet back on Teddy Panda's mom's car as it's quite late...

She bought us all ice-creams from the McDonalds...
As expected, we all felt envy that Teddy Panda has a nice mom....
It was 5.30 evening...

We were back at 6.00....
Before I get off the car, I recommended that we should go and play basketball...
Teddy Panda's mom got a shock...
I'm so sorry...
I shouldn't had reminded Teddy Panda of her mom's refusal to seeing her shoot hoops...
And reminded her mom being the "evil one"....
This sucks...

After I got my filthy basketball which I just got it yesterday...
(I played it for hours with my dad at the Berapit court yesterday)
We got to the basketball court after Jie Ling got on her ride...
It was already occupied so we went to another unoccupied court...
It both work same ways...As both courts owns spoiled hoops...
We played and in the end...
Chatted as we passed the ball to each other...
Time flies and soon we got back at 7.30...
Zhi Ling's mom sent me home...

I will never forget the best day of these holidays....

Reality check!! I haven't finish my work yet!!!